Mrs. Tawana Odom » Mrs. Odom

Mrs. Odom

Teaching schedule:


1st - Planning

2nd- 9th ELA (Gifted)

3rd- Writer’s Workshop

4th- 9th ELA (Gifted)

5th- 12th Multicultural Literature

6th- 9th ELA (Gifted)

7th- 12th Multicultural


Contact information:

 Email: [email protected]


To receive important text messages from Mrs. Odom, join Remind by texting your class code to 81010.


12th Multicultural Literature

Class Code: @2b896d


9th ELA (Gifted)

Class Code:  @76bfa3


Writer’s Workshop/Creative Writing

Class Code:  @fcd768


Google Classroom Codes:

 2nd Period 9th ELA- hnz7gtn

3rd Period Writer’s Workshop/Creative Writing- 6ln7vk2

4th Period 9th ELA- 7iv6ogq

5th 12th Multicultural Literature - wri6fgx

6th 9th ELA- chuqwmq

7th 12th Multicultural Literature - 7jgxmoa